Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Interview Flowchart

  1. Make a flow chart of how to prepare for the interviews
  2. Set objectives/goals for the interview
  3. Get hold of a recorder to help conducting the interview
  4. Come up with questions for the interview
  5. Make a list of possible interviewees
  6. Politely ask the interviewees if they are willing to participate in the interview
  7. Inform the interviewees about the purpose of the interview
  8. Get at least 3 positive responses for prospective interviewees
  9. Make arrangements for meeting the interviewees( Work according to their schedule since they are helping you)
  10. Write a country report of the interviewees' homeland
  11. Conduct the interview, use the recorder as well
  12. Go over the recorded interview at home and write the transcript of the interviews
  13. Write my personal review about the interview
  14. Thank the interviewees for their time
  15. Revise the transcript
  16. Revise citations
  17. Post the interview on the blog beofre the due date

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