Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Library Research Assistance

When using online sources it is very important to assess the credibility of the resource. We use resources to justify our statements and make our writing more credible. Using unreliable sources can hurt your credibility and the relevance of the information. The six guidelines from http://lib.nmsu.edu/instruction/evalcrit.html and http://leo.stcloudstate.edu/research/credibility1.html help to assess an online source.
begin clip:
I. Authority
Is there an author? Is the page signed?
Is the author qualified? An expert?
Who is the sponsor?
Is the sponsor of the page reputable? How reputable?
Is there a link to information about the author or the sponsor?
If the page includes neither a signature nor indicates a sponsor, is there any other way to determine its origin?
Look for a header or footer showing affiliation.
Look at the URL. http://www.fbi.gov
Look at the domain. .edu, .com, .ac.uk, .org, .net
    1. Anyone can publish anything on the web.
    2. It is often hard to determine a web page's authorship.
    3. Even if a page is signed, qualifications are not usually provided.
    4. Sponsorship is not always indicated.

II. Accuracy
Is the information reliable and error-free?
Is there an editor or someone who verifies/checks the information?
    1. See number 1 above
    2. Unlike traditional print resources, web resources rarely have editors or fact-checkers.
    3. Currently, no web standards exist to ensure accuracy.

III. Objectivity
Does the information show a minimum of bias?
Is the page designed to sway opinion?
Is there any advertising on the page?
    1. Frequently the goals of the sponsors/authors are not clearly stated.
    2. Often the Web serves as a virtual "Hyde Park Corner", a soapbox.

IV. Currency
Is the page dated?
If so, when was the last update?
How current are the links? Have some expired or moved?
    1. Publication or revision dates are not always provided.
    2. If a date is provided, it may have various meanings. For example,
It may indicate when the material was first written
It may indicate when the material was first placed on the Web
It may indicate when the material was last revised

V. Coverage
What topics are covered?
What does this page offer that is not found elsewhere?
What is its intrinsic value?
How in-depth is the material?
    1. Web coverage often differs from print coverage.
    2. Frequently, it's difficult to determine the extent of coverage of a topic from a web page. The page may or may not include links to other web pages or print references.
    3. Sometimes web information is "just for fun", a hoax, someone's personal expression that may be of interest to no one, or even outright silliness.
end clip.
These five are from http://lib.nmsu.edu/instruction/evalcrit.html accessed on 2/22/11
Begin Clip

VI. Publishing Body/Publisher
     Is the type of material appropriate for the assignment?
      Is the site sponsored by a respected organization?
      Does the site include an official insignia of the organization sponsoring it?
      Are you able to contact the webmaster or sponsoring organization from within the site?

1.      Professional sources from the Web include professional home pages or online professional journals. Non-professional sources include personal home pages or online general audience magazines.

End clip.

The sixth’s information is from http://leo.stcloudstate.edu/research/credibility1.html accessed on 2/22/11
2.      Sponsors will fund credible websites.
other group members work
Hashmi, Moizuddin
Hussain, Asif
Mingo, Sam A
Vo, Thao T

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Interview Flowchart

  1. Make a flow chart of how to prepare for the interviews
  2. Set objectives/goals for the interview
  3. Get hold of a recorder to help conducting the interview
  4. Come up with questions for the interview
  5. Make a list of possible interviewees
  6. Politely ask the interviewees if they are willing to participate in the interview
  7. Inform the interviewees about the purpose of the interview
  8. Get at least 3 positive responses for prospective interviewees
  9. Make arrangements for meeting the interviewees( Work according to their schedule since they are helping you)
  10. Write a country report of the interviewees' homeland
  11. Conduct the interview, use the recorder as well
  12. Go over the recorded interview at home and write the transcript of the interviews
  13. Write my personal review about the interview
  14. Thank the interviewees for their time
  15. Revise the transcript
  16. Revise citations
  17. Post the interview on the blog beofre the due date

Interview Objectives for Asif Hussain

Through the inteview, I would like to understand the different difficulties students face while adapting to a new country. Moreover, I would also like to increase my knowledge about other cultures. I want to understand the different perspectives International students have about life in the United States. Being an International student, I would also like to learn how to overcome many of the challenges we face in a foreign country.

Final Questions for The Interview

1.Why did you decide to come to SCSU instead of studying or working in your own country?
2. What was the hardest thing about transitioning to the U.S.?
3.How is your life in the United States different from that in your home country?
4.Were there any difficulties that you faced in school where English is the dominant language?
5. How does the  climate in your home country compare to here?
6. What are some cultural differences between your country and here?
7 Who takes care of the finances in your family?
8.How is the education system different here than your home country?
9. What are your personal experiences with racism since coming to the US?
10. What kind of foods did you eat in your country?
11.What do you miss the most about your country?12.How often and through what medium do you get to communicate with your parents?
13.What are your plans after you graduate?
14. How would you summarize your stay so far in the United States?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Organized Questions

How are the relationship between the USA and your country?
What was the education system like in your native country?
Have you found or been a victim of Racism? What is your say on racism?

How does the climate where you’re from compare to Minnesota's climate?
What do you enjoy about living here?
What are some cultural differences you've noticed since you came here?
How is living here similar/different to where you are from?
Does America exceed your expectations or is it different than what you were expecting?
How do you like the snow so far?
What were the difficulties that you faced in school where English is the dominant language?
Which country do you prefer living in and why?
What kind of foods do you eat where you’re from?
How long have you been here? How long are you planning on staying?
How often do you get to talk to or see your parents?
Why did you decide to come to Minnesota for education?
How is your life in the United States different from that in your home country?
How would you summarize your stay so far in the United States?

The Twenty Questions

1) What is your name?
2) Where are you from?
3) How long have you been in the United States?
4) How long have you been in the United States?
5) How different is the culture in the United States from that of your  motherland?
6)What are the main sports played in your country?
7) How different is the education system in your country?
8) Did you experience any form of culture shock when you moved to the United States?
9) Is your family in the United States?
10) How often do you get to talk to or see your parents?
11)How different is the food in the United States from that of your country?
12) After graduation would you like to stay in the United States or go back home?
13)Why did you decide to come to the United States for education?
14) Were there any difficulties that you faced in school where English is the dominant language?
15)Has it been difficult for you to get along with American students?
16)What are the different perceptions Americans have about your country?
17)Which country do you prefer living in and why?
18)How is your life in the United States different from that in your home country?
19)What are the things you miss the most ?
20)How would you summarize your stay so far in the United States?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Outline for Group 1

Topic: What is global communication and how has it promoted the globalization witnessed in the past ten years?
Intro: “Global communication is the process of transmitting and receiving information on a world-wide scale.”(1) In the near future, global communication is going to become invaluable. Businesses will devote whole divisions to this process. Global communication will continue to affect technology, education, and markets.
Thesis Statement: Global communication has become one of the most important factors in modern day businesses, technologies, and education.
1.       Communication
a.       Forms                                                           
     i.      Internet
1.       Chatrooms
2.       Facebook
3.       Skype
4.       E-mail
                      ii.      Telephone
1.       Text messages
2.       Picture messages
3.       Calls
4.       Web
                     iii.      Body language
1.       Facial expressions
2.       Stance
3.       Tone of voice
4.       70% of communication
b.      Interpretation
                                                               i.      Meanings of words
                                                             ii.      Translations
                                                            iii.      How communication is perceived
1.       Point of view
2.       Sarcasm
c.       Struggles in communication
                                                               i.      Distance
1.       Information has to travel across continents
                                                             ii.      Time
1.       Difficulty with time zones
2.       Postal mail delivery times
                                                            iii.      Language barriers
1.       Mistakes in translations
                                                           iv.      Cultural differences
d.      Global spread of ideas
                                                               i.      Exchanges of information from continent to continent
2.       Technology
a.       How it has improved with ideas from separated places
                                                               i.      Advances in modern medicine
                                                             ii.      Sharing of technology
1.       Computer chips
b.      How technology has affected global communication
                                                               i.      Online translators
                                                             ii.      Travel costs (not necessary to travel)
                                                            iii.      Faster access to information
3.       Business
a.       Globalization of franchises
                                                               i.      Fast food chains
b.      Increased market size
                                                               i.      Diversified goods
                                                             ii.      Can sell and buy online from other countries/continents
c.       More efficient operating
                                                               i.      Improved banking
1.       Wire money
2.       Online banking
                                                             ii.      Online meetings
4.       Education
a.       Online classes
                                                               i.      Convenience of students and professors
1.       Time management
2.       Structure
3.       Student and professor preferences
b.      Online resources
                                                               i.      Examples of papers
                                                             ii.      Search engines
                                                            iii.      Online writing labs
                                                           iv.      Access to electronic books
c.       Distance becomes less of a factor
                                                               i.      Video chat
                                                             ii.      Online resources
d.      Culture studies
                                                               i.      Foods
                                                             ii.      Traditions

Conclusion: Global communication has become one of the most important factors in business and technology, and education. It has helped many people in the last few years and has opened doors of opportunity for many who otherwise would not have had these chances.

The Global World

No man is self sufficient. In other words, we all interact with people around us.  Global communication is the process of transmitting and receiving information from around the world.For decades the art of communicating has been developing. We live in a global world today and we communicate globally. Global communication was always present in the world but it often took months to get words from one part of the world to another. The telephone and the Internet have revolutionized global communication. Modern global communication has eliminated many of  the barriers which existed in yesterday's world. Whether it is  businesses or news events from around the world, we are just one click away from obtaining what we desire. Global communication has enabled today's world to be genuinely global.

So what really has enhanced modern day global communication? Well for starters, the wide use of technology has really helped people all over the world. Most individuals now  have access to technologies which lets them get their words out in a matter of seconds. Moreover, as the years have been unfolding , basic technology has been  becoming cheaper and cheaper. Hence, more people have access to it. Secondly, technology has enabled long distance telephone calls to become significantly cheaper. However, the introduction of the Internet has revolutionised communication. It is so easy to get information and send information to the opposite side of the world in just a matter of seconds. Moreover, the Internet has helped producers reach remote consumers through global communication.

Today's world has definitely benefited from modern global communication. Global communication has broadened the market for businesses. Before, businesses and stores would only sell locally, but due to the Internet and the enhanced logistics department, stores can now share all over the world. Moreover, communication also allows businesses to operate more efficiently while dealing with both domestic and international businesses. Businesses do not have to wait for months to get information about overseas markets. The Internet has allowed those information to be just a click away. Moreover, global communication also creates faster awareness of world events. When hurricanes hit New Orleans and Haiti, people all around the world heard the catastrophic news in minutes. Furthermore, global communication allowed help and relief to be provided from all over the United States and many other parts of the world.

Today's world is where it is due to global communication. We have been benefited massively by the growth of modern day global communication. The business sector has become more profitable; its market has increased and has allowed businesses to reach people in remote places. Moreover, global communication also lets us understand the world we live in today. We have no shortage of information available to us and we sure don't need too much time to get hold of information we desire. They are just one mouse click away. Global communication is a blessing which will only keep getting more efficient in the future.